Starting January 6, 2025, the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) will introduce a specialized trading category for carbon credits generated through biochar and rice cultivation projects. This initiative builds on the J-Credit market, which debuted in October 2023 to trade government-certified emissions reductions and absorptions.
Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) announced the new category as part of efforts to improve market liquidity and ease of trading. Currently, carbon credits from biochar and rice cultivation are grouped under the "other" projects category. The introduction of this dedicated category is expected to simplify trading and attract more participants to the market. Meanwhile, credits from other agricultural methodologies will remain in the broader "other" category, ensuring clear classification for stakeholders.
The TSE, a key part of the Japan Exchange Group, is one of several platforms striving to enhance price transparency in Japan’s carbon market. These efforts support the country's larger environmental goals, including its commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
In a related move, Japanese tech company Nihon Denkei is partnering with Carbon Ex, a consultancy, on a rice cultivation project in Fukushima Prefecture. The project aims to reduce 1,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions over eight years, highlighting the growing role of agricultural practices in advancing natural solutions.